Leading: Motivation


Definition of Motivation

Merriam-Webster defines Motivation as Incentive, drive, stimulus, or influence.


Leadership quotes can be found on many professional websites.  Please visit the following sites:

Tools to help motivate staff and stem discussion

Many websites have great suggestions related to how to motivate staff.  Some examples of websites are below:


Brought to company to speak with staff

Recommended Reading Lists

Stephen Covey

Studer Group

Leadership books can be found as Ebooks and be downloaded on Apple products.  Costs vary.

Reward Programs

  • Meetings Financial/Organizational Goals
  • Create an organizational culture to establish and maintain the  goals/mission.

Meeting Person Growth Plans

Picture Source:  Retrieved from http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Picture+to+represent+motivation&view=detail&id=407ABD7AE7C6640A9589F9C18E4FF565D365C660 on December 3, 2012.

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